Today I went down to Mom and Dad's before I went to town. Dad met me in the kitchen and said, "Come in here, I think something's wrong." Mom was lying in her hospital bed and she didn't appear to be breathing. Upon closer inspection, she wasn't breathing. Her skin was still warm. The home health care worker had just checked on her five minutes before. She died very peacefully. We knew the time would be coming soon, but still, it was a surprise. I'm just glad she no longer has to suffer. Mom was 92 years old.
Mom was very alert on Thursday and had a bit of a cough. The last thing she ate was some chocolate cake with strawberries. That night it turned into a really bad cough and she was vomiting. We called Hospice and they came and gave her some medicine and some morphine. But the cough persisted. We were just getting ready to make the decision whether to bring in some oxygen to help her breathe better. Her body just finally gave up the fight. Dad is taking it pretty hard. He and Mom were married just short of 62 years. My sister and I will meet with the mortuary tomorrow to finalize the funeral arrangements.
Mom fell and broke her shoulder six years ago this month. She has had quite a time of it since then. Lots of falls and trips to the ER. Mom was also diagnosed with dementia about this time too. Once in a while she would get agitated, but for the most part she was usually in a good mood.
This Bird has flown to heaven now. I'm sure she's getting it all straightened out up there. Maybe she's even baking a homemade apple pie.
Rest in peace, Mom. I miss you!!!
A lovely lady and a wonderful life. Take care Jerry.
Posted by: Christy | June 20, 2009 at 06:41 PM
I'm so sorry, Jerry. I know it's been coming, but it's still so sad. I always love reading about her. I'm so very very sad for your father. God Bless all of you.
Posted by: Bou | June 20, 2009 at 07:05 PM
I am so sorry. Even if it was for the best, it doesn't change how we still want our mother around. If you need anything, give me a call.
And, just some advice - I've buried both my parents. You are going to be very busy and stressed for the next few days. You will be getting up earlier and going to sleep much later, just to add to the strain. At some point, you will have to take care of yourself - even if it's just to tell everyone that you need a nap, because you're about to drop. Your family will understand - that is part of why they are there. So, don't forget to take care of yourself - even if it's just a nap or an afternoon away - whatever recharges your batteries. I felt obligated to "be there" for everyone else until I was worn to a frazzle. So, hang in there buddy, and know you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: Jeffro | June 20, 2009 at 07:12 PM
I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. Please accept my condolences.
Posted by: Annette | June 20, 2009 at 07:41 PM
I've been thinking of you all day - my phone is on the fritz, so I couldn't call. And we'll be in Germany this week, so I'm guessing I'll miss the funeral. My whole family sends their regards.
You have lots of fans at the Red Key, they all send their condolences. Know that you are loved!
Posted by: Nora | June 20, 2009 at 08:08 PM
I'm so sorry about your loss. She's in a wonderful place. Take care of yourself.
Posted by: Tina | June 20, 2009 at 10:14 PM
Jerry , may she enjoy her new home, where pain ans suffering doesn't exist.
My prayers go out for your mother...
Posted by: jerry | June 20, 2009 at 10:25 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss. Be well.
Posted by: LeeAnn | June 20, 2009 at 11:08 PM
Heaven is rejoicing but I know how much she is missed on Earth. Jeffro gave you good advice I think. It is a tiring time. You are all in my prayers.
Posted by: Rachel | June 20, 2009 at 11:23 PM
Prayers and condolences from here.
Posted by: Peter | June 20, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Char and I send our condolences. Will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Posted by: Ralph | June 21, 2009 at 12:01 AM
Condolences from our home to yours...I am sure you have many sweet memories of her, and may you have a moment or two in the next couple of days to recall them...
It is hard loosing a Mother..and a Wife.
Posted by: AWTM | June 21, 2009 at 01:40 AM
My condolences to you and your family, Jerry, especially to your dad.
Posted by: Jim - PRS | June 21, 2009 at 03:25 AM
Know that thoughts are with you and your family during this time. No matter the circumstances, this is never an easy time. May the light shine down on you and your family now and in the days ahead, and may it have an extra bit of warmth from her love for you in it.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf | June 21, 2009 at 06:06 AM
Just Damn! (Sigh)
Posted by: Dax Montana | June 21, 2009 at 06:19 AM
Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathies for your loss.
Posted by: Hoosierboy | June 21, 2009 at 07:44 AM
Sorry about your Mom Jerry. I know she was special lady and meant the world to you and yours. I'm in Denver right now. I'll be in touch. Cliff
Posted by: Cliff Morrow | June 21, 2009 at 08:47 AM
Prayers, and hugs, from South Dakota~
Posted by: Debey | June 21, 2009 at 09:12 AM
My sincere condolences go out to you and yours Jerry.
Posted by: hammer | June 21, 2009 at 10:02 AM
So sorry for your loss, from a long-time reader in w10ac.
Posted by: w10ac | June 21, 2009 at 10:31 AM
My condolences to you and your family.
And please consider Jeffro's advice and be sure to take care of yourself.
Posted by: jck | June 21, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Deepest condolences to you and your fam, and thank you, also, for sharing your witty and heartfelt stories of your time with her and the rest of your family (particularly my favorite quip a few months ago about wrapping them in bubble wrap -- I laughed for days over that one). I'm glad that her last meal was chocolate cake and strawberries.
Posted by: Erica | June 21, 2009 at 11:09 AM
Erica says it perfectly. I'm so sorry for your loss Jerry.
Posted by: Tammi | June 21, 2009 at 12:39 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss. Glad she was at home when she passed. It sure beats being at a hospital. Keep a close eye on your Dad as he deals with losing his life long partner.
Posted by: Scott Holloway | June 21, 2009 at 03:08 PM
We are very sorry for your loss, Jerry. Please know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: Walrilla | June 21, 2009 at 06:34 PM
.... I worry for your Father, sir..... 65 years, my goodness........ I hope that you and yours are well..... you guys are in my thoughts....
Posted by: Eric | June 21, 2009 at 08:18 PM
Sorry for your loss, particularly on this day.
All The Best,
Frank W. James
Posted by: Frank W. James | June 21, 2009 at 08:35 PM
I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, expecially your Father. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
Posted by: Mary | June 21, 2009 at 08:50 PM
Sending you a big ol' Tennessee hug wrapped up in prayers. May your dad find the strength that he needs....Just so sorry. Take care of yourself...pleae heed the advice of those who have walked in your shoes. Love in the name of Jesus....
Posted by: Dee from Tennessee | June 21, 2009 at 10:26 PM
My prayers to you & your family. No matter how much we try to rationalize it, no matter how many times we tell ourselves "it was coming" or "everybody has to deal with the loss of a parent eventually", it's always a heartbreaker when it finally happens. Nobody ever wants to have to bury their mom or their dad.
Posted by: diamond dave | June 22, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Y'all are a remarkable family raised by a remarkable lady. God Bless you and you're in my prayers
Take care
Posted by: Anna | June 22, 2009 at 04:06 PM
My condolences to you and your family my friend. I was dreading the day would come when I would read about her passing. You have told some great stories here and it felt like I knew her although we'd never met.
Posted by: Dazd | June 22, 2009 at 05:42 PM
Sorry to hear about your Mom.
Posted by: Retired Navy CPO | June 22, 2009 at 09:06 PM
So Sorry for your loss!
Hang in there Buddy, My prayers are with you.
Posted by: Paleo Pat | June 22, 2009 at 09:44 PM
May God rest your Mom's soul can tell, just by the number of comments, you have made many friends and followers, that care about you and yours.
Posted by: Pat Houseworth | June 23, 2009 at 10:56 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: becky | June 23, 2009 at 04:49 PM
I don't usually comment but enjoy reading about your dear family very much. I'm so sad to read of your mom's passing. What a blessed life she lived.
Posted by: Graci | June 24, 2009 at 12:26 AM
Sorry about your Mom. Prayers for you all.
Posted by: JihadGene | June 24, 2009 at 12:27 PM
Oh Jerry, I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for Peace for you all...
Posted by: Richmond | June 24, 2009 at 05:40 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how much time we have with our parents, or how richly their lives may have been lived, we still want, and deserve, more. My deepest sympathies in the loss of someone so very special.
Posted by: Lori | June 24, 2009 at 05:46 PM
Checking back to tell you that you remain in my family's thoughts and prayers.
Posted by: Oddybobo | June 25, 2009 at 07:51 AM
I'm so condolences.
"Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her."
Posted by: Mrs. Who | June 25, 2009 at 09:19 AM
God bless you and your family, Jerry.
Posted by: GrumpyUnk | June 25, 2009 at 12:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that she's gone, and I know your dad will be missing her. My condolences on your loss, and my prayers for your family's peace.
Posted by: Nancy | June 26, 2009 at 04:09 PM
Just dropping back in again to let you know that you and your family are being thought of....thinking of your dad especially.
Posted by: Dee from Tennessee | June 28, 2009 at 11:31 PM
Just wanted to let you know I've also been thinking of you and your dad. These are the hardest days when all is done and you settle back to what is now a different sort of life. Hope you're both doing well. Hugs and prayers for you.
Posted by: Teresa | June 29, 2009 at 05:46 PM
My condolences go out to you and your family.
Posted by: AlphaBelle | June 29, 2009 at 09:48 PM